Rien Donkersloot
Rien Donkersloot is organist of St.-Joriskerk in Amersfoort and the Laurentiuskerk in Mijnsheerenland
He is citycarilloneur of Haarlem, Brielle, Goes and Ridderkerk. Rien has a busy concert practice with organ- and carillonconcerts at home and abroad. His repertoire includes all style periods and improvisation is also his special interest.
Concert schedule

Photo: Dick Westerveld
You can contact Rien Donkersloot for organ- and carillonrecitals and lessons.
Rien Donkersloot
Oud-Cromstrijensedijk Oostzijde 44
3286 BP Klaaswaal
Mobile: +31 (0)6 40 99 72 85
E-mail: riendonkersloot@hotmail.com